Advanced Mode on the DE1+: The Best Quality Espresso Extraction I've Ever Had
Flow Profiling on the De1+
The 2:1 Ratio
Coffee BrewingScott Raocoffee, third wave coffee, espresso, espresso brewing ratio, grounds, 2:1 ratio, shot weight, extraction, barista, dose
V60 Video
Coffee BrewingScott Raov60, pour-over, third wave coffee, barista, slurry, extraction, Rao spin, hand pour, grounds, Chemex, Melitta
Fines: Fine for Espresso, Not So Fine For Filter
Coffee BrewingScott Raofines, coffee, extraction, espresso, filter coffee, percolation, batch brew, immersion, French press, coffee bean, coffee grinder, grinder burrs
Decent Demo in Budapest
“Seeing Through” Roasts
Coffee RoastingScott RaoSeattle, cupping, Panama, baked coffee, extraction, roast quality, green quality, third wave coffee, green coffee buying, underdeveloped roast, roast defect
Highlights from the 2017 SCA Expo, Seattle
News & UpdatesScott RaoSeattle, coffee roasting, masterclass, Elixir, Chemex, Rao spin, SCA, Ground Control, batch brew, coffee bed, extraction, slurry
Five Decent Days
Coffee BrewingScott RaoDecent Espresso, cafe, coffee machine, coffee industry, flow rate, temperature, espresso, extraction, espresso shots, preinfusion, espresso machine, channeling, dosing, distribution method, grounds, grinder
Anatomy of a Consulting Job
The West-Coast Tour
Batch Brew Basics Part 1: The Setup