French press — Writing on Coffee Roasting and Brewing — Scott Rao
Posts tagged French press
Drip vs. Immersion: We May Be Calculating Extraction Incorrectly! And, A Contest.
Coffee BrewingScott Raodrip, coffee, coffee blog, extractions, immersion brewing, coffee solids, French press, percolation, v60, batch brew
Immersion vs. Percolation: Have We Been Calculating Extraction Incorrectly?
Coffee BrewingScott Raoimmersion, percolation, coffee, drip, extractions, grounds, solids, slurry, cupping, brew strength, French press, Coffee Tools, liquid retained ratio
Immersion, Percolation, and Grinding-- A Quiz and Contest
Fines: Fine for Espresso, Not So Fine For Filter
Coffee BrewingScott Raofines, coffee, extraction, espresso, filter coffee, percolation, batch brew, immersion, French press, coffee bean, coffee grinder, grinder burrs